
The Digital Agricultural Reference Bureau is an ICT powered platform (system) that brings together isolated production activities of smallholder farmers and businesses of agro dealers to a common place where services of larger enterprises such as banks, insurance firms, and the government can be channeled to support the improvement of agricultural production as well as agribusiness.

DARB anchors a series of information mapped together ranging from farmer profiles, agro dealer profiles, value chains, region/point location, production and its extent, market and assorted weather information that have been processed in real time and harmonized to provide reference for the following

  • Market reference for agro-inputs and agro-produce i.e. from its aggregate data on input demand and produce supply
  • Certification reference for the farmers and agents. This will benefit the farmers and government e.g. the Ministry of Agriculture in long term
  • Extension and advisory reference based on data reflecting possible factors contributing to low productivity, Soil map data, weather data from the satellite service providers and crop and livestock health from routine field updates from the Agent network
  • Credit reference through its Progress out of poverty (POP) credit assessment system
  • Project implementation reference grounded on our dynamic baseline offering from the bureau data and reports
  • Insurance reference based on the data and surveillance that not only provides information on the potential risks but also claims assessment for compensation

Why we stand out









Our Products


aXiom Zorn provides service packages of data collection, analytics, visualization and dynamic baselines to all data driven services for development partners and business looking to implement projects or exploit business opportunities in the community.
This comprises of other sub components i.e

  • POP credit Score -
  • Digital Soil Maps -

Field Force Management

Ascertaining facts on your field implementation has been made easier with Field Force Solution. Get Picture and GPS tagged monitoring solutions from one place and comfortably achieve the objectives of that project with ease. The Field Force Management Solution will automate all the activities that occur beyond the four walls the project offices at the comfort of you of your desk, enabling timely scheduling, timely decisions and timely interventions

SME Zone

A common market place for small and medium enterprises which provides access to information that matters to your business by becoming part of the SME zone. Small scale operations should not be the distraction to visibility, access to information, technology, finance and market. The SME Zone eases and improves this.

Fertilizer Optimization

The profitability of your cropping enterprise depends on; area planted, variety of crop grown, input costs and expected crop sale price. Axiom Zorn enables one to choose an enterprise right by optimizing its crop investment thus projecting potential returns.

Market Linkages

This provides and aggregates current market information from different parts of the country for the different crop enterprises all under one platform for easy accessibility and use

Financial linkages

These enable better management of Agribusinesses with financial linkage platforms to enable easy access of financial services and information on the untapped Agricultural market for service providers on our Digital lending Platform “Finlink” Knowing how much potential of productivity a small piece of land can hold, aXiom Zorn reduces the troubles of collateral requirement as prescribed by Agriculture Credit Facility of with the Progress out Poverty Credit scoring, a social credit score for financial access of inputs and other farming resource.

Az bundle Insurance

This is a mobile based weather index and micro-health insurance package that is specifically designed for smallholder farmers subscribed to on a seasonal basis. The product comes in handy to offer relief from shock and distress on farm production and productivity as a result of weather extremities such as excessive rainfall, drought and illness leading to crop and sometimes life loss which under normal circumstances would leave them helpless and in losses.


We provides insights, Agriculture Extension, advisory services, Pest and disease scouting stations and early warning systems through our network of Agents engaging the farming community throughout the season with geotagged data & soil map overlays.

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For any inquiries, Please reach us through the following



+256200903099 / +256200951713